Author: wWOKrR9z6kL2

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MontLingo Acquired by Ad Astra, Inc.

We’re letting you know that your beloved MontLingo is super excited to share that it has been acquired by Ad Astra, Inc., effective January 1st, 2021.


The acquisition comes at a time when many companies are seeking diversification of their existing service portfolios. Through this acquisition Ad Astra looks to put a fire under the translation portion of their language service offering by leveraging MontLingo’s brand, industry knowledge and diverse, global clientele.

“With over 10 years in the Language Service industry, Ad Astra will be gaining incredible resources and talent from a company that so deeply values community, quality and customer service. We’re incredibly excited to start 2021 by strengthening our ability to deliver a wider range of services to our clients.” says Bryan Montpetit, CEO & Founder of MontLingo.


“We are so thrilled to add MontLingo’s high level of quality in services and customer care to the Ad Astra family. Teaming with this innovative and dynamic company will no doubt help propel Ad Astra to the next level and attain our objective outlined for the next few years.” says Lena Petrova-Toolsie, CEO & Founder of Ad Astra, Inc.


In this acquisition, Bryan Montpetit’s new role will be Vice-President – Marketing, reporting to CEO, Lena Petrova-Toosie, where both will be focused on developing Ad Astra’s future business strategy.


About MontLingo: 
MontLingo is a full-service language company, based on the south-shore of Montreal, Canada, offering a wide range of language services, such as content creation, professional translation services and linguistic support services to entrepreneurs, corporate end-clients as well as other language service companies.


About Ad Astra, Inc.: 
Ad Astra is a leading language company, based in Washington D.C., United States, providing spoken language interpretation, translation, Deaf / HOH services and more to corporate entities, governments, and organizations around the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


We truly hope that you are as excited about the acquisition as we are. We are looking forward to the innumerable benefits that we and our loyal clientele will gain though our new combined service offering.


If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out.

We greatly appreciate your ongoing business and relationship. You are what makes us who we are!


Thank you,
Bryan Montpetit –
Vice-President – Marketing

Lena Petrova-Toolsie –

by wWOKrR9z6kL2 wWOKrR9z6kL2 No Comments

How to Change Translation Providers

Yea, we know. You had something translated and are getting complaints about the quality of the translation. Moreover, you’re not even sure the company is charging you fairly, but you’ve been with them for a while and despite your relationship, it seems their good habits have started to slip.

What to do? Well, you more than likely have weighed the options yourself or collectively with a group of colleagues and have ultimately decided you want to leave or otherwise change providers.

Where do you even begin changing translation companies? Sometimes, it seems like translation companies have you by the *****.

It’s what we here at MontLingo refer to as a Translation Hostage situation. *Calls 911, Send the hostage negotiator*

You want to go to another provider, and you know your current provider has a wealth of legacy translations in what they call a Translation Memory that they’ve built up over time, which is why you seemingly get pretty decent rates with them. And now they don’t seem to want to turn it over to you? All that money down the tube… not so fast.

Here’s what you have to do to change providers and protect the investment you’ve made.
Know that your new provider will be ready to help any way they can. So you can always ask them for advice on what linguistic assets to request.

  1. Check your cancellation clause with respect to any contract you may have.
  2. Request your Translation Memory and Terminology Glossary in an industry standard format, like XLIFF
  3. Have your new provider verify that everything that has been provided is in good working condition, i.e. can be read by their translation system
  4. Outline all the pain points you experienced, with your previous provider and ensure to set your expectations clearly.
  5. Set out a Service Agreement outlining the Translation providers responsibilities and costs and your responsibilities to the provider
  6. Have a kick-off meeting with the new translation provider and make a transition plan
  7. Notify your old provider by email and telephone and fill them in on the transition date and the expectation until that moment.
  8. Make the change

Hopefully all of this will have gone smoothly while moving through the steps. Should you need help, MontLingo will happily help you transition from 1 provider to another, even if 1 of those providers in not us.

We believe strongly in helping those outside our industry be serviced right by those within it.

Let’s chat about how we can help

by wWOKrR9z6kL2 wWOKrR9z6kL2 No Comments

Professional Translation Service Costs Explained

Understanding the Costs of Professional Translation Services

For some time, the translation industry has been undergoing a forceful rate push downwards from end-clients. Translation tends to be a line item that someone picks up as a red-flag when looking at financial reports at the end of the year, without really understanding the “why” or the “value” behind the services they’re receiving.

It’s normal that an amount related to translation yield the equivalent to sticker shock to someone that is outside the immediate circle of those producing content and having it translated. After all, it’s easy to use other less expensive options like automated translation solutions coupled with bilingual employees, right?

Well, the answer isn’t as simple as that. Let’s take a look at the how professional translation companies price out their services and why it’s likely more cost-effective than automated solutions.*

* Let’s clear the air by saying, we’re not suggesting MTPE (Machine Translation Post Editing) isn’t a viable option for reducing costs. The fact of the matter is many translation companies are using it behind the scenes to increase profitability, but we can explore that later. We want to first ensure you understand what you’re paying for.

Per word charges and what it (typically) includes

Let’s preface this section by saying the information is intentionally generalized, but we can speak to how MontLingo charges as well when we discuss your projects.

While this may be a somewhat simplified overview, the intent is to provide you with the basic understanding of terminology and concepts in widespread use in the “language” industry.

The source word is the typical unit of measure used to establish price. It is effectively the smallest (reasonable) unit to measure for pricing.

Source word analysis refers to the amount of words found in the document to be translated.

With that, translation companies have (tools) technology, which enable the files to be broken down into segments of text. Effectively these segments are defined by a standard ruleset, like after a period or semi-colon, etc.

Once that is done, a word-count is to be performed. This word count is not the same as your word count in your Microsoft Word software.

Word counts carried out by translation environments (CAT Tools) capture the basic number of words, similar to your Microsoft Word, but will also take additional variables into consideration such as how many repetitions there are in the document.

More impressively, and where these environments usually leave standard word editors in the dust is that they are connected to repositories of content that the translation company has previously translated for you. Effectively building up a database of your translated material.

The word count, also known affectionately as an “analysis” also considers how much of the content in your “source document” has been previously translated (or partially translated).

Cool, huh?

So the system breaks down the document into segments of text and then compares each of these segments against a database to see how much of the source segment and the stored segment are similar.

The system breaks the “matches” down into categories of similarity.
The standard breakdown categories are defined by percentage:

  • 0-54%
  • 55-74%
  • 75-84%
  • 85-94%
  • 95-99%
  • 100%
  • 101%

The categories can be combined together to represent a billing category, such as “New Content”, referring to content that requires translation and has not yet reside in the translation repository.

“Partial Matches”, which is relatively self-explanatory. Content that has in some way been partially translated before.

“Repetitions and Exact Matches”, which again are self-explanatory and are segments that of text repeat themselves throughout the content or have been found to have an identical match in the repository.

Each of the categories yield different pricing structures and tend to vary from provider to provider.

Questions to ask your potential (or existing) provider

  1. Can you please document what your price ranges are and provide the analysis on every project?
  2. Can you please provide us with a copy of our translation repository after every request?
  3. Can you please provide us with a copy of our terminology repository after every request?
  4. Can you please outline any additional cost that are not per word costs that we may be subjected to?

With the above explanation of pricing and questions to ask, you should be in good shape to start taking control of your translation costs.

Happy shopping and (translation)
